November 15, 2023
Happy Wednesday! Happy Hump Day! Happy half way through November. I don’t know how we got here so quickly, but we are here nonetheless. I swear the 1st of November was like 3 days ago and now we are all prepping for Thanksgiving! 🦃 Anywho, let’s dive into the quote:
“He was sent to prison. But the observation ‘he has suffered evil,’ is an addition coming from you.” - Epictetus, Discourses, 3.8.5b-6a ✨
We are inevitably confronted with a myriad of external circumstances that shape our journey. These circumstances can either empower us or disempower us, depending on how we choose to respond. Our response to these external factors holds immense potential and power when determining the direction of our lives, influencing our well-being and our personal growth.
By mindfully choosing our response, we gain the power to dictate the impact these circumstances have on us. Reacting with anger or frustration leads to increased stress, negative emotions and sometimes lashing out on others, whereas responding with resilience, courage, and an optimistic outlook, allows us to maintain peace and emotional stability. When we consciously choose to respond to these challenges with the mindset of empowerment, we are allowing ourselves to view the circumstances as learning and self-improvement opportunities and we are able to unlock some of that hidden potential and develop newfound resilience. Choosing to see setbacks as stepping stones empowers us to adapt, evolve, and expand our capabilities.
By choosing how to respond to external circumstances, we regain control over our lives. Rather than being victims of circumstances, we become architects of our destiny. Our ability to respond consciously unveils the immense power within us to shape our own narrative. I understand this is easier said than done, something that is constantly practiced and hard to master, but the more effort and practice you put into something the easier it becomes and the shift starts to transform your way of life. Not to mention, the impact it starts to have on others around you. Ultimately, our responses empower us to create a life that reflects our true selves, so why not embrace this power and pave the way for a future filled with limitless possibilities.
Trust your journey. Rest your soul. Always leave people better than you found them and have a glorious day and a beautiful weekend! 👽🫶🏻🧿